Microsoft word for mac terrible autocorrect
Microsoft word for mac terrible autocorrect

microsoft word for mac terrible autocorrect

I followed up with another text: "Im setermined to show that I dint need it and it just makes you lazy." Am I this bad? Has the need for speed in typing turned me into an emitter of semi-hieroglyphics? I texted my wife to tell her the good news: "Im practicing typing becUse im wititng about autocorrect." This was going to be one vast smite against robot culture. Still, I went to Settings, then General, then Keyboard and be damned autocorrect. For example, I can never type "Craigslist" and get both s'es in there. The main problem is that the act of typing causes terrible mistakes. Wouldn't it? This would be embracing my real self, as opposed to my sad, robot-assisted attempts at (some sort of) perfection.

microsoft word for mac terrible autocorrect

This would be the essence of American freedom of speech. How beautiful would it be to write 'sorry, my bad spelling" as opposed to "ducking autocorrect"? So I thought why not go back to the basics of spelling? Why not be personally responsible for the texts I send, rather than entrust my spelling to a machine that thinks it knows what I mean - and often doesn't? We're supposed to be going back to basics in our desperate times. It's the fact that when it chooses to make corrections, it does it so quickly that you don't notice it's happened.Īnd that's when you end up sending the ducking autocorrect texts. It isn't just my iPhone's self-righteousness. Such as "I might get in the was." It's about as reliable at finishing your sentences or knowing what you want to say as a first date. How many times have I written that I was screaming and my iPhone insisted I was streaming? Or was it the other way around? There's also the sentences my iPhone thinks perfectly normal. Yes, it was my iPhone that started all this, being its helplessly helpful self. Actually, they don't text "damned." They text "ducking." Which made me think how often I, and everyone else I know, texts "damned autocorrect" at least once a week. Or perhaps in the notion that Microsoft knows what I'm going to write, so why can't I just get out of the way? Even if, all too often, the AI is completely wrong. It's housed in the belief that whole phrases and sentences can be predicted and could Microsoft please just help me with that. This has gone beyond trying to anticipate mere words. Recently, despite my risible faithfulness to Hotmail, Microsoft's AI has been desperately trying to finish my sentences for me. Samsung offers a range of smartphones - with the A-series, S-series, Note line, and new foldables.

Microsoft word for mac terrible autocorrect